Mar 19, 2009

19 March 2009

Today is like, uhm.. a bit starnger than the other days. I trapped behind a smal accident that made a long traffic jam, and then got the hottest wheather in Jakarta (maybe like 30 celcious degree or something on 08:00 AM for god shake!). As ironic as if i quetioned "it's not gonna get worse isn't it?"

The universe answered, "Yep."

I read some books said when you think negatively, the universe will response real fast to what you think, faster than when you think about something positive (well, actually the book described better then my sentences, but as i remember it pretty sound that way), and eventually what you think harder is what you'll get. Now, I 'm trying to 'switch' my negative button to positive. Let's see if i can make this day even better...

Mar 18, 2009

18 Maret 2009

Hari ini, 18 Maret 2009

Mana yang lebih sulit? memaafkan atau minta maaf?
Hari ini aku memaafkan, setelah berminggu-minggu marah dan jengkel. Marah karena merasa ada yang salah, jengkel karena ada yang tidak terpenuhi, padahal salah dan kurang adalah biasa dalam hidup.