Aug 19, 2010

baby list of needs

I'm browsing for some stuffs i will need after giving birth. OMG!! Please do not jugde... Oh please.. Do i look like a freakin' out mom-to-be? This is my 4th months and i'm starting to think about this and that, let's just hope that this is a normal behavior for a first time mom-to-be.

I just made this check list of stuffs during pregnancy until delivery time, so on brief list, i will need this much...

- maternity clothes (dress, pants, shirts, panty) at lest 3-6 pcs
- extra size bra
- an anti-stretchmarks cream for my stomach
- a foot massage or reflexology once a week..
- a baby box
- baby pillow and bed cover
- baby bed
- baby bath tube
- towels (large, medium, and small sizes)
- baby soap, baby shampoo, baby oil, baby lotion, baby cream, cajuputi, telon oil
- baby powder and the case
- diapers
- baby scissor
- sterilized cotton buds and cotton balls
- baby wet tissue
- breast pad,
- maternity pads
- breast pump
- sarung
- perlak
- some new-born baby clothes
- a stroller
- baby gloves
- baby socks
- some new-born baby trousers and pants
- a baby bag
- a baby carrier
- milk bottles

oMG, that quite crazy list isn't it?
My husband absolutely gotta see this :)