Jul 1, 2010

Not a Farewell

Yes that's right. Yesterday was my last day. I thought it's gonna be easy, i was wrong, with plenty numbers of friends, great stories, funny and thrilling experiences, it was never been easy..

So, yesterday actually the new bos was coming from Russia, his initial name BRH (i made it). Remember when i'm telling you on how do i get here? that i was introduced by a director to another director in HMS on the job fair? Yep, he's going to be her replacement. My previous bos is going to Lausanne very soon. I talked to her in a very short occasion, she said when she found me i was just a young girl, she took me here and now i'm a young woman. I can not say much about her, not here, one blog will never enough to tell you about her. She was to interesting, too smart, too scary, too beautiful, and way too good to be a great leader. No wonder she's the bos uh?

So the new bos BRH, he's actually quite much like Irek (remember my nicest bos?), he's also a very nice guy, haha how do i can tell? i was only met him for few hours. But he joined us eating ice cream, he asked me how long i've been working here and why am i resigning. (Oh yeah, sorry i forgot to tell you that i bougt around 50 cups of ice cream and thin pizzas on my last day) Actually, all the people on the floor was getting involved in a fun talk with me, him, and Irek.

BRH asking me if this is my first child, and he said that children are wonderful. I knew it, that's why i'm resigning because a child worth than anything.

Funniest part was when Irek told me that tomorrow (it means today) I can wake up late, watching DVD and bal..bla.. and i said 'are you trying to say unemployment?'
Hahaha! it was funny, he said that looking after the children and becoming a housewife is not unemployment (i wish to believe that hahaha). So i manage myself and appointed my self as Manageing Director of Family Corporation starting from today :) Anyway it was a great opportunity for me (again) to met such a leader like BRH, he thank me for the ice cream and saying a good luck. Thank you Sir!

The hardest part was to send the blast e-mail to the peers and supervisors, i was even crying reading my own e-mail... My throat even felt so hard when i received some reply. one e-mail was coming from Ibu Lucia Nany, she was also my bos, she is the nicest among the female bos. She never get angry not even once, she always give me guidance and great advices, she was also telling me her career journey and i was learned so much from her. At the moment i sent her farewell letter she was on a meeting in Surabaya. It was an unfortunate moment not to say the last word directly to her.. Her email telling me how sorry that she can not joining me here, and she also give me some advice and told me to stay in touch. Thank you Ibu, you're such a generous person! All people in HR loves you.

Another bos, Ibu Ellen set up a farewell dinner after office hour. We went downstair to Le Seminyak and share the last moments there. I told you that to send the e-mail was hard, to meet them on the farewell dinner was even harder!! I cried harder.

This girl, Mba Shaty, she is a unique person, i can not say that she was a nice girl. Well she can be very nice one time and can be very lousy in another time, the funny fact that i completely understand why. She was working so hard, and she was the first friend i had in HMS. We've been thru a lot and even until the last day, my cubicle was just next to her, so it wasn't easy to say something to her. Too many words, so little time. I hope she will always be happy, tough, and becoming a stronger person.

Mba Bill thanks for the books you gave me and for bringing the cheers-up in everyday (she is probably the only person that always have a positive mind set and always happy all the time that i ever know). Mba Janice i'm gonna miss your fashion advices, and the red Braun Buffel was awesome thank you!! Nita, i'm waiting for your baby born, and thanks for the GUESS darling! Adit, you have to find another Makmum.. Marsel, still hates me? hehe, i'm gonna miss u a lot, don't go for lunch alone, and keep the woman napkins under the desk hahaha!! Guys, thanks for the maternity and nursing clothes, i will need them when my stomach is getting bigger and on delivery day! Bu Ellen, thank you for your positive advices, and for the delicious dinner. Thank you all, you guys great!

I'll scan the cards and take some pictures of the gifts (and ask for some pics from the dinner), so i can share you here.

Be good. I hope we can always be a big happy family in any circumstances.