Later days, returing from his fishing hobby on the weekend, my father came to my house and gave me one big Patin fish (Sorry i don't know what is Patin fish in English...). The fish has a thick-white-meat texture, and i was wondering what kind of dishes i could make from this.. My mind was turned back to the steamed fish i had on the dinner at Ming. So i tried to recall what would be the ingredients the Chef added to make that one.
I was added soy sauce, salted-soy sauce, oyster sauce, onion leaves, minced garlic, and ginger. First of all, you have to make few cuts/slices on the fish body, and then fill the slices with ginger and garlic. Put the fish in the Pyrex plate and then puth them inside the steamer. I forgot how long, maybe it takes less than 10 minute to steam the fish. Voila! Here it is - the picture of my steamed fish
Yeah i know, where is the fish-head? I cut it off (Ouch!!).
My husband hates fish-head, he says it makes him lost his appetite. (Fish head sometime scary..)
I also make this Chinese fried rice a la Andina hehehe..