I got an e-mail from Abe. She said sorry for something that i thought not really necessary to be sorry anyway. What was it all about? She was sorry for singing my song with her Thailand friend in Boston! -wait- So, again, why would she be sorry again?
I replied, and i said it's okay. I was actually flattered! Ahaha.. My song in the US? it's kinda cool uh?
I wrote that song for my band, which at the time was a bit hopeless. A band? Yep, a band, my band, a girls band. We've been trying to find a recording company to just - at least - listen to our music, but uh it was just the past. The band is still exist but the personnel are completely different - except the guitarist, we leave the band to her. The other four, well, one leave for US dream, one leave for a better life and career, one prefer to be a designer than a musician, and the last one is the keyboardist who no longer feel comfort with the -brand new- band. The past, and i did enjoy my time. Now, I don't actually sing anymore, i don't write any songs neither.
The song titled 'Just Fine'
well i have the record file, but i think this one is even better: