last night i got a message on my 'wall' said -almost like this-
"andin kok ada lagi hahaha"
that's right, i'm back, like i said before, i may consider to relaunch. And thanks to Abe who reminds me of how important people's life -and your life of course- to be considered. Why? We don't live alone right? we maybe sometime will meet again or maybe need someone or some friends to count on. That's true. BUT.
I was also relaunching my FB with 'safe mode' hahaha. Yes. I removed some names, make a new safer setting, and make my FB prohibited for non-friends. I don't need some strangers looking through my pictures, reading my walls, tagging me on their picture - when i'm not there- , and -uhm- make comments about my life -and they don't even know me... That's just freakin strange. So, i did some setting that will not allow any unbridled stuffs.
if i have some time tomorrow, maybe i'll re-arranging some pictures. I did remove some names -sorry for that- that i can't recall -who?- when did i met them? and some people with strange names that i barely remember. I apologize to the people i removed from my buddy list. It's just that, i need a space that i really recognize, a place that make me feel comfortable enough to share my life.