Last week i was attending a play. The show was conducted at Taman Ismail Marzuki, a place that been so long i didn't visit. I remember last time i visit this place was maybe two or three years ago, not to saw any plays but movie. At the time, i only attend plays that free of charge (blushing face..), without trying to be defensive but it was a very hard financial time to have your self as a student with monthly subsidiary less than a million per month from parents, and the ticket charge (for a non free of charge show of course) was about 100,000 rupiahs per show. Well, even after i get my own job and financially can afford my own ticket, i still get a free charge yippie!! My fiance's father was being nice to treat us to the watch the play.
The play titled 'Keluarga Tot' brought by Teater Gandrik from Yogyakarta, was originally taken from 'Tot's Family' a Hungary's old script with World War II as its setting. Gandrik smoothly re-written this play into a hilarious short scene with refreshing Javanese taste. The story line was telling us about the Tot's Family with Lajos Tot (the father), Marizka Tot (mother), Agika Tot (young daughter), Gyula Tot (the son who was sent to the war), and Major (Major at Hungary Army, Gyula's chief).
The story began when the Major suddenly ill and temporarily moving to the Tot's place. As Gyula's still at the war, the family felt honored to have such a guest like him (with a deep wishful thinking that the Major will protect Gyula, so their son can safely came home and working as a staff at the Army after the war's over).
It was actually a tragic story. As we figured at the end the family never know that Gyula has been killed, and they kept suffering by Major's behaviour at home. How ironic that we can laugh over a tragic story uh? But anyway, i enjoyed the play so much and waiting for another Gandrik's shows in Jakarta.