Dec 29, 2009

Season's Greeting!!

Hey it's christmas time!!!! I don't celebrate christmas but i do like it. Reason? First of all, my friends do celebrate christmas and i'm happy for them, 2nd of all, It means day-off the office, and 3rd of all since it always and will always 6 days before the New Year!

I send e-mail to some friends, i'm hoping that they would feel the holiday spirit and as happy as i am now.

A day after christmas, i was attending my best friend wedding party, uh i forgot to bring my pocket cam.. but i will ask my friend to share some of the photos to be publish here.. My friend, Afny, she was in the same class with me when i was in University, we also stayed in the same residence. It was great to saw her in that beautiful white dress. Happy Wedding Afny!

Prepare for next week. I'm going to visit my brother in law's house, he invited us to have a barbecue night. I'm going to bring some snacks and also Starbuks maybe, it's going to be fun! Family time!! I'm thinking about Sirloin, Chicken Fillet, some Shrimp satay, barbecue sauce and blackpepper sauce!!! My husband is gonna love it!

What's your plan?
Happy New Year!

Dec 7, 2009

Bandung HR gathering

Just got some pictures from last month gathering in Bandung. I actually brought my own pocket cam, but Adit (this is all your fault Dit!!!!) accidentally switched the camera to 'video mode' and as result: all the picture i have was minutes of shaking video..

This was the starting point... (my office)
we took a bus from here to Bandung.

In my bus (since there were actually 4 buses heading to bandung at the time). Please notice, the red uniform we were wearing at that day was not the same with daily uniform we have.

We call this meeting with 'Open space meeting' where we can walk here and there, giving some suggestion, wrote some topics, and let people put some comments on yours, or you can just standing on the corner and enjoying the coffee.

Lets skip the meeting part..
Me and my buddy on the gathering night..

We're staying at a brand new hotel in Bandung named Blahblah.. or somethin.. I have to say that they have s cozy style with minimalist and modern line. They have numbers of meeting room, that's a point for them to gather a specific market: Business people and corporate. The room was also okay, they have King size bed, flatscreen TV, Ac and nice bathroom with outstanding amenities. Overall, sorry to say but i cannot suggest any of you to come again or pick this hotel for your short stay in Bandung.. Why?

I can't stand for the food. It was terrible. i mean it.
For a four star hotel with 750,000 IDR per night (i checked the rate on their website) we deserve better than chicken wings with extra blood (Eeeeewww...!!)

When it came to the cellebration night, we have band and soundsystem setup. On the third song the electricity was suddenly off!!! And the 'boooo sound' coming from all the audince, it was only few seconds until the electricity trouble solved, but then, again, the same trouble came again and again, it was occured probably five times!!!! OMG.. This is suppose to be a four star hotel, don't they have a generator set to backup electricity problem??

Most of the participant go for another fun time in Bandung, the night was long and it was an opportunity to relax.. Some of them went to carry on karaoke or clubbing, or just hang-out in 24 hour coffee cafe. Me? I stayed at the hotel.
I was bloody tired and prefer a cartoon show or something at AXN or HBO to watch. The remote control was on my hand but nothing appear on that flat TV screen except a blank blue screen!!!!

Actually we also had this race called 'Cultural Race', it was like Amazing race as seen on TV, but we customized the racing area to smaller scope. I don't have the racing pictures except this one, at the zoo (the starting point:

Dec 4, 2009

Ignoring the Credit Card billing

Just open today's yahoo and found this article, prety much interesting the title it has : Ignore Your Credit Card's Minimum Payment

To me, this is a good reading in the morning. With a cup of cappucinno it's very refreshing, original, and who knows if it is work, maybe we can manage our financial strategy in a better way next year. Wanna have a look? I just copied the article below..

Ignore Your Credit Card's Minimum Payment
by Dayana Yochim, The Motley Fool
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
provided by

Does this article's headline sound like heresy? Does it smack of the worst financial advice of all time?

That's exactly what credit card companies hope you think.

Consumers have been conditioned to pay attention to one thing when they open their credit card bills: the minimum payment due. But that minimum payment is just a smokescreen to distract you from the numbers that really matter -- how much you owe overall, and the interest rate the bank is charging you.

Pay the minimum the bank requires to keep your account in good standing, and when you retire you'll still be paying off that pizza you ordered during your freshman year. Simply doubling that minimum payment can significantly shorten the payoff time – not to mention the price tag of that pizza before it ends up costing you $1,000. Here, use this credit card calculator to see for yourself.

As long as I'm picking apart some old rules of thumb, let's talk about another one that deals with which credit card you should pay off first.

Actually, Ignore the Interest Rate for a Moment, Too

If you carry debt on multiple credit cards, concentrate first on paying down the one that's closest to being maxed out.

Why not pay off the one with the highest interest rate? Or maybe pick off the one with the lowest balance so you can start your debt-payoff plan with a win? Sure, financially and psychologically, both of those tactics make sense, but if you want to improve your credit score -- and who doesn't? -- you first need to pay down the card that's charged up the closest to your credit limit.

The credit world likes to constantly measure how you handle your debts. And when your debt-to-available-credit ratio starts creeping above 30% (e.g., carrying $3,000 in debt on a card with a $10,000 limit), red flags start waving and your credit score takes a hit. That single measurement counts for 30% of your overall score.

So job No. 1 is paying down any debt that's bumping up against the limit. Once you get the ratio down to less than 30%, then start paying down the card that carries the highest interest rate.

Now, you might be wondering exactly where you're supposed to get the money to pay down those maxed-out cards. Glad you asked.

Raid Your Savings Account and Put It to Better Use

Yup, you read that right. I'm not being flippant. I am fully aware that in these tough times, everyone should have a cash cushion for emergencies. But maybe your emergency fund doesn't need to be quite as robust as you think it does.

An emergency may or may not happen. But credit card debt is very real, and very right now. If you have a fully funded emergency account, devote some of it (note that I said "some," not "all") to paying down your credit card balances. And if you have other cash "investments" sitting stagnant and earning just a pittance in interest, there's definitely no better actual investment than paying down a credit card that's costing you 14%-plus interest, as opposed to earning zero-point-something in interest.

Meanwhile, consider supplementing your emergency savings with an "emergency credit card" that has no balance and is set at a low interest rate. Then if an emergency does indeed occur (and we're talking about a legitimate emergency, not a shoe-sale or waxing "emergency"), then you can cover it and not break the bank if you need a few months to pay off the balance. If an emergency doesn't arise, well, then the cash you've put toward paying off your debt in the meantime is an even smarter investment for your future.

In person, writer Dayana Yochim isn't as preachy as she sounds in print. Except on the topic of credit card debt.

More articles at

Have a good day!!

Nov 26, 2009

an email from a friend

I got this e-mail about a week ago, it was coming from a a very dear friend of mine, Abe. Mostly we talk about how each life going on nowadays. But overall, i have to underline the part when she asked me to update my FB (oh alright, this post is still about my FB uh? haha). Well, for some closest friend, my FB do important since some of them living abroad,and, FB and email are rather cheap compared to a phone call.

Thank's to Abe. She kept me remind that some people (family and few best friends) are positively care about what you're doing. Miss you girls!

(But still, for now, i'll choose e-mail and blog rather than updating FB.. ^_^ )

The e-mail was very thoughtful, i hope Abe didn't mind if i post it here..

the email...

Waaa andin iya kbayang masih papa..kan andin ma gaha pasangan muda belia..masih bnyak wktu...skrg cup cup muah bduaan aja dulu...saling timang menimang aja...hahaha

iya abe udah ga interior...asa ga bebas euy jadi interior teh...jadi aja abe skrg...berkartun ria..hahaha
iyaa si maria juga spertinya sneng pisan dgn design...moga2 aja itu jlannya
iya tinggal si monik yg masih bernapsu dan haus darah orang2 label...hahah ya smoga aja dia sukses sndirian...ama anak2 baru
dan ga ketipu2 mulu..kaya jaman samz baheula...hahaha kbayang si ardi...sagala rupa
duh kocak ya din...kudu ngumpul ini mahh kapan2!!
bahas lagi pngalaman yg sangatt aneh itu hahahah

Waaahhh andin berkerudung?? wah Puji Tuhan atuh!sing sehat mawanah marodah..(sumpah ga tau abe barusan ngomong naon) tp spertinya itu kalimat yg baik untuk diucapkan...hahahha
waaaa di upload atuhhh fb teh kan kita (abe mar vini) sllu mmntau kabar masing2..sllu salinng mliat udah smpe mana khidupan teh..hahaha
ayolah ndin...sisakan a few mnts kau untuk mngupload poto2...poto kawin aja abe blm liat...kan kangen atuh liat andin
adot aja sama abe dipantau... :) ok ok

si tigor perginya baru kmrn ibu dehidrasi meureun...daaaa nangis mulu 7 hari 7 malam..biasa...eta teh anak bungsu ksayangan..hahahha...jadi shock! hahaha dia dah jago skrg makan jangkrik ulet kudanil blalang kupu2 siang makan nasi kalo malam minum susu! jago si tigor bisa makan srangga..hahahahha

vini tar lagi nikah...abe pgn bgt dtg... smoga bisa :(
abisnya ke kawinan andin..abe ga bisa,,teh ita juga ga bisa,,,si teteh andin juga ga bisa..halah..parah ini mah

waaa asik atuh rumah teh...sing betah atuh ndin...iya ntar klo abe pas ke indo abe bawain oleh2 deh...buat mmpercantik rumah..hahaha...yg ikea2 :)

waduh bom makin gila ya...ati2 atuh smuanya
ahh gimana ya...
abe mah apply nya greencard canada...ada studio animasi besar disana...:P jadi pingin disana aja :)
tapi ttp abe mahh...kgn makanan indo! kmrn dikirimin indomie 20 bji ama spupu di ohio...abe makan pagi ama si bule INDOMIE!!
kami suka indomie!! bgitupun si bule yg aneh itu..
sampe makannya juga nangis2 din...saking kangen rumah!

ya gitulah laporan hari ini...

andin juga baik2 ya...salam buat gaha
teteh pipi mamah papah..nini incu..uncle (settt tiba2 bule)

tar disalamin din...
bulenya jago ngomong indo din..abe ajarin...hahaha
tar kita bersua lagi yak

Consider to relaunch FB? Still too lazy to do it..

Nov 19, 2009

I'm quitting facebook

Few days ago i decided to quit facebook, and some of my friend email me and text me asking why? Simple answer: "sorry my facebook is under-constuction"
I'm saying it because that's the way it is, i need to re-arrange my buddylist, since there were too many unknown people on the list or (maybe) i was know or met them once but then i no longer in touch anymore. It is strange that you have to keep them in your buddylist when they're not actually your buddy at all. I'm quite sure they wouldn't mind if i 'kick' them from my list.

Well, these unknown people keep posting and makes my Fb full of comments. I'm okay with comments, but why would i have to read hundreds of comments that i don't even understand what were they talking about??? This is also happen to some photo tag. Some people tagging me on their picture, even if it was obvious that i was not in there. I'm fine with this one too, but if it happened to hundreds of 'who?' pictures.. I think, this is getting serious. So, on one day i tried to un-tag my name from some pictures, takes time.. and i saw no reaction from the publisher. So, i suggest thet the people who was tagging me on the picture just simply tagging with no purpose.. My reason was, i beg your pardon, i don't care for what some-unknown-people doing (and i'm pretty sure they don't care about mine either).

Of course there are some other factors makeing me decided to quit from facebook. But this is not a permanent status, as i said my facebook is under construction. When it is done i may consider to relaunch.

Jun 24, 2009

fun lunch?

Today i remember yesterday's chit-chat at lunch. It was very funny that me and my friends were talking about how strange life can be in such cities like Bandung and Jakarta. I couldn't recall what topics that eventually brought us to this short-funny discussion.

I remember one of my friend joinning my table was also had studied at Bandung, he studied at a university at jatinangor and were living in a rent-room around Gede Bage area where were very famous of it's Pasar Gede Bage. It well known as -probably- the cheapest 'factory outlet' in Bandung. I'm serious about saying cheapest here, well, just try to picture this : a trouser for only 15,000 rupiahs, or a jacket for only 30,000 rupiahs! It's not yet the end of the story, if the day is getting late, and the 'shops' are about to closed, they even can sale some shorts for only 2,000 rupiahs! Crazily true! What makes the Pasar more and more interesting is that the items they sold are always branded. You can mention some brand like Abercrombie, or Banana Republic are exist there! Whoaa, we hadn't event have the store opened in Indonesia at the time! Some people say that the clothing are fake or imitated - which i think it is strongly understandable if thay thought so, but some others say that the items are genuine but they were stolen from the fabrics or hotel or some whealty people's houses in Bandung which i think it can be also an option of the reasons why such branded stuff can arrive there. Whatever the rumors can be, the Pasar still and keep crowded and the buyers seems don't care where the hell the stuffs came from.. Looks like economy's going very well there. My friend said, if you see fancy students with branded stuffs in Bandung, it can only be two options: they're filthy rich or.. they got it from the Gede Bage haha..

I was had a big laugh, i remember some students in my campus were wearing branded stuffs too, and i admitted some of them bought these stuffs when they were travelling overseas, but the rest got it when they 'travel' around the Gede Bage..

My friend and i were studying in different university. His University have some rules on how students suppose to dress when they attend some classes. Not in mine, thank god, as long as we wear shoes - even sometime we also don't - the lecturers will let us join their classes. Well, he said that some classes required students with a proper shirt -with collar- which was good and make them look tidy - maybe in other way, i was wondering this rule just try to make the students look smarter. For those came to the campus with own vehicle -especially cars- it doesn't matter what kind of clothes they should wear. But for those live quite far from the campus and has to take almost one hour journey on a-non-air conditioner-crowded-old-cramping-bus, trust me it does matter. There were no tidy look or smart faces, when the student got out from the buss the look like a salesman who was trying to sell some hot-dogs on the desert along the day. They're shiny,tired, and sweaty.

I suggest it also happens in Jakarta. Even i have to say it is happening now, tomorrow and everyday. I take bus to go to my office everyday. I confirm, a bus not a Transjakarta busway. It always been the green ugly bus that filled with triple times of maximum capacity load number of people! No aircon, no automatic door, no shelter, no safety, it's just a no a.k.a nothing. Let's not talk about humanity inside the bus, because talking just waste your energy and you will definitely need your energy -and the air - to survive sitting or standing among numbers of people, to breathe, keep the balance, secure your wallets, and avoiding sexual abuse inside the bus. He added that the driver and the assistant always say "duduk..duduk..kosong..kosong.." like they don't care if we barely even can stand too long in a-too-crowd-limited-space like this. When the bus getting too full, you just can't move your feet, body or hands, that's also why you always have to keep penny to pay the fare before get into the bus.

Sitting is truely a priviledge that i barely get everyday. If i were lucky -sometime- i get a special seat in the very-front-no-row which is the dashboard! Yes, i've been there done that several times. The feeling was thrilling haha... Can you imagine if -just if- the bus get on an accident, hit something bigger like a truck or anything.. the only person who will not even notice it was coming will be you, because you're sitting on the dashboard back to back with the road. When people scream, you will just questioning why, but eventually, you will be the very first person who get injured by the accident. Well, actually, when i realized we were laughing at something horrible... Another facts revealed, that we barely even see the different between funny and scary..

May 20, 2009


I had a stupid thought today. I pray to God, i wish to see her in front of me. Just wondering what would i say, and what would she say.

May 19, 2009

tuesday blues

I like gossips better that some facts. Some facts hurting sometimes. Especially when you figure it out yourself. Like today. But what can i do? Deal with it, life must go on.

May 18, 2009

permanently married

Today, i got my wedding pic! I'm so exciting! I barely even think about picture on 'the day', lots of things suddenly has to be done, my wedding dress was gone (what???), my step father's lousy behaviour, my body's weight loss too much, the shoes, the cars, oh my god, i just cant believe i've been through a hard time back there. BUT hey, when i see this pictures wow! everything was very beautiful and managed well, i think i need to feel blessed and say thank you for all the people helping me out on this blissfull day. GBU guys! Often, pictures can tell you more..

Well, here we go..

The preparation started from 10 am, the EOs had stand by (EO and decoration by Meriah & friends Wedding Organizer and Decoration), the make-up artists are rady to re-create the look (thanks to Mbak Lina and The Padmaloka Team), decorations busy, the photographer came to the hotel to capture every moment (photograpy by Jovan from Mata Merah Photography).

The ceremony, was held at Mesjid Al-Ishlah, located at Rasuna Said Jakarta, the mosque is (i think) in medium size, quite cleane but no air-con (the EO set up some fan around the corner, thank god). When i entered the mosque 300 people were sitting on the chairs with a minimalist flower decoration.

The ceremony opened by reading holy Quran, followed by the ijab qobul (this is the most important thing), and closed by a speech from Kyai. We're grateful to have Pak Prof. DR.H.Miftah Faridl giving us some advice about marriage. Again, thanks to our friend Hana, as if she's not Pak Miftah daughter we may not be able to interrupt his busy time on the day.

From this moment.. life has begin.. (by Shania Twain) hehehe forget it, you'll never find any of western songs, singer or piano player. The theme of the party was Classy Sunda, so we decided to set up a classy decoration at Dharma Wanita Persatuan Pusat(Kuningan-Jakarta) and presented some sundanese art performance from Sanggar Dinika Bogor. They open the party with Upacara Mapag Panganten with glamorous Sekar Putri dancer and Mang Lengser, the introduction was brought by the Topeng Cirebon dancer, and we have all the rampak gendang, jaipong and karawitan all night.

My wedding is published by a wedding website! check this out!

Apr 28, 2009

morning rush

I had to wake up real early this morning. It was an interview i need to set-up at 7:30 AM (Gosh..). My bos was like about to change her driver (again), she wanted this to be done in the in two days. The problem that 'the issue' has been spreaded out and becoming one of the favorite rumors among the drivers, it tells them how my boss keep changing driver like almost every quarters. I don't know who's being difficult, the drivers or my bos?

Apr 27, 2009


Last week i was attending a play. The show was conducted at Taman Ismail Marzuki, a place that been so long i didn't visit. I remember last time i visit this place was maybe two or three years ago, not to saw any plays but movie. At the time, i only attend plays that free of charge (blushing face..), without trying to be defensive but it was a very hard financial time to have your self as a student with monthly subsidiary less than a million per month from parents, and the ticket charge (for a non free of charge show of course) was about 100,000 rupiahs per show. Well, even after i get my own job and financially can afford my own ticket, i still get a free charge yippie!! My fiance's father was being nice to treat us to the watch the play.

The play titled 'Keluarga Tot' brought by Teater Gandrik from Yogyakarta, was originally taken from 'Tot's Family' a Hungary's old script with World War II as its setting. Gandrik smoothly re-written this play into a hilarious short scene with refreshing Javanese taste. The story line was telling us about the Tot's Family with Lajos Tot (the father), Marizka Tot (mother), Agika Tot (young daughter), Gyula Tot (the son who was sent to the war), and Major (Major at Hungary Army, Gyula's chief).

The story began when the Major suddenly ill and temporarily moving to the Tot's place. As Gyula's still at the war, the family felt honored to have such a guest like him (with a deep wishful thinking that the Major will protect Gyula, so their son can safely came home and working as a staff at the Army after the war's over).

It was actually a tragic story. As we figured at the end the family never know that Gyula has been killed, and they kept suffering by Major's behaviour at home. How ironic that we can laugh over a tragic story uh? But anyway, i enjoyed the play so much and waiting for another Gandrik's shows in Jakarta.

Apr 15, 2009

14 march 2009

It was terrible.
My wedding is coming in the next two weeks, and now my hands suffering ugly severe wounds!
If only i can turn back time, i wouldn't took the Ojek that day.. as if only uh? if only i can turn back time i would change so many things then. But even if i do, will i get anything better after all? Who knows? Maybe, the accident will stay come anyway, maybe not in some traffic accident, maybe at the kitchen or swimming pool, or elsewhere and i will probably still get my right arm hurt with wounds all over it. Maybe just maybe, every 'today' has always been the right path for your life, whether you like it or not.

Mar 19, 2009

19 March 2009

Today is like, uhm.. a bit starnger than the other days. I trapped behind a smal accident that made a long traffic jam, and then got the hottest wheather in Jakarta (maybe like 30 celcious degree or something on 08:00 AM for god shake!). As ironic as if i quetioned "it's not gonna get worse isn't it?"

The universe answered, "Yep."

I read some books said when you think negatively, the universe will response real fast to what you think, faster than when you think about something positive (well, actually the book described better then my sentences, but as i remember it pretty sound that way), and eventually what you think harder is what you'll get. Now, I 'm trying to 'switch' my negative button to positive. Let's see if i can make this day even better...

Mar 18, 2009

18 Maret 2009

Hari ini, 18 Maret 2009

Mana yang lebih sulit? memaafkan atau minta maaf?
Hari ini aku memaafkan, setelah berminggu-minggu marah dan jengkel. Marah karena merasa ada yang salah, jengkel karena ada yang tidak terpenuhi, padahal salah dan kurang adalah biasa dalam hidup.