Nov 15, 2010


Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of blessing on this November.

This is my 7th month of pregnancy and i'm planning to start my pregnancy exercise class. My doctor said it will help me on the delivery process. The exercise will help you to learn how to breath, how to push, and how to gain more strenght on the delivery process. But, do u know what is the the most helpful method? Praying! Especially the shalat. In Shalat, there is a position called sujud which help the baby to rotate and move to the right position. It also help your thigh to get stronger. Well, i'm saying this not only because of me as a moslem, my doctor also admit and suggest me to do more Shalat. Isn't that great?

My husband accepted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this is one of his dreams and he was struggling to the limit to get it. This is a miracle to us. My husband was facing so many distraction and trouble on his way to get this job. I looked at him every night, he prayed and prayed to Allah to give him the best. We handed all the decision to Allah, we believe if the job is good for us and for our life, Allah will show us the way. When we found that he passed all the tests, we're gone speechless, the only thing that remain in mind was to thank Allah for all the blessing that we cannot get without His Merciful hand.

I also start to buy and gather some baby's stuff for my baby. I got this new beautiful crib and bed, baby bath, some tiny clothes, diapers, and breast-pump. This is such a fun thing to do, to buy some cute colorful stuffs for your baby makes you can't wait to see his coming! I believe he will be cute and smart like his father.