I got this e-mail about a week ago, it was coming from a a very dear friend of mine, Abe. Mostly we talk about how each life going on nowadays. But overall, i have to underline the part when she asked me to update my FB (oh alright, this post is still about my FB uh? haha). Well, for some closest friend, my FB do important since some of them living abroad,and, FB and email are rather cheap compared to a phone call.
Thank's to Abe. She kept me remind that some people (family and few best friends) are positively care about what you're doing. Miss you girls!
(But still, for now, i'll choose e-mail and blog rather than updating FB.. ^_^ )
The e-mail was very thoughtful, i hope Abe didn't mind if i post it here..
the email...
Waaa andin iya kbayang masih trauma....ga papa..kan andin ma gaha pasangan muda belia..masih bnyak wktu...skrg cup cup muah bduaan aja dulu...saling timang menimang aja...hahaha
iya abe udah ga interior...asa ga bebas euy jadi interior teh...jadi aja abe skrg...berkartun ria..hahaha
iyaa si maria juga spertinya sneng pisan dgn design...moga2 aja itu jlannya
iya tinggal si monik yg masih bernapsu dan haus darah orang2 label...hahah ya smoga aja dia sukses sndirian...ama anak2 baru
dan ga ketipu2 mulu..kaya jaman samz baheula...hahaha kbayang si ardi...sagala rupa
duh kocak ya din...kudu ngumpul ini mahh kapan2!!
bahas lagi pngalaman yg sangatt aneh itu hahahah
Waaahhh andin berkerudung?? wah Puji Tuhan atuh!sing sehat mawanah marodah..(sumpah ga tau abe barusan ngomong naon) tp spertinya itu kalimat yg baik untuk diucapkan...hahahha
waaaa di upload atuhhh fb teh kan kita (abe mar vini) sllu mmntau kabar masing2..sllu salinng mliat udah smpe mana khidupan teh..hahaha
ayolah ndin...sisakan a few mnts kau untuk mngupload poto2...poto kawin aja abe blm liat...kan kangen atuh liat andin
adot aja sama abe dipantau... :) ok ok
si tigor perginya baru kmrn sabtu...si ibu dehidrasi meureun...daaaa nangis mulu 7 hari 7 malam..biasa...eta teh anak bungsu ksayangan..hahahha...jadi shock! hahaha dia dah jago skrg makan jangkrik ulet kudanil blalang kupu2 siang makan nasi kalo malam minum susu! jago si tigor bisa makan srangga..hahahahha
vini tar lagi nikah...abe pgn bgt dtg... smoga bisa :(
abisnya ke kawinan andin..abe ga bisa,,teh ita juga ga bisa,,,si teteh andin juga ga bisa..halah..parah ini mah
waaa asik atuh rumah teh...sing betah atuh ndin...iya ntar klo abe pas ke indo abe bawain oleh2 deh...buat mmpercantik rumah..hahaha...yg ikea2 :)
waduh bom makin gila ya...ati2 atuh smuanya
ahh gimana ya...
abe mah apply nya greencard canada...ada studio animasi besar disana...:P jadi pingin disana aja :)
tapi ttp abe mahh...kgn makanan indo! kmrn dikirimin indomie 20 bji ama spupu di ohio...abe makan pagi ama si bule INDOMIE!!
kami suka indomie!! bgitupun si bule yg aneh itu..
sampe makannya juga nangis2 din...saking kangen rumah!
ya gitulah laporan hari ini...
andin juga baik2 ya...salam buat gaha
teteh pipi mamah papah..nini incu..uncle (settt tiba2 bule)
tar disalamin din...
bulenya jago ngomong indo din..abe ajarin...hahaha
tar kita bersua lagi yak
Consider to relaunch FB? Still too lazy to do it..
Nov 26, 2009
Nov 19, 2009
I'm quitting facebook
Few days ago i decided to quit facebook, and some of my friend email me and text me asking why? Simple answer: "sorry my facebook is under-constuction"
I'm saying it because that's the way it is, i need to re-arrange my buddylist, since there were too many unknown people on the list or (maybe) i was know or met them once but then i no longer in touch anymore. It is strange that you have to keep them in your buddylist when they're not actually your buddy at all. I'm quite sure they wouldn't mind if i 'kick' them from my list.
Well, these unknown people keep posting and makes my Fb full of comments. I'm okay with comments, but why would i have to read hundreds of comments that i don't even understand what were they talking about??? This is also happen to some photo tag. Some people tagging me on their picture, even if it was obvious that i was not in there. I'm fine with this one too, but if it happened to hundreds of 'who?' pictures.. I think, this is getting serious. So, on one day i tried to un-tag my name from some pictures, takes time.. and i saw no reaction from the publisher. So, i suggest thet the people who was tagging me on the picture just simply tagging with no purpose.. My reason was, i beg your pardon, i don't care for what some-unknown-people doing (and i'm pretty sure they don't care about mine either).
Of course there are some other factors makeing me decided to quit from facebook. But this is not a permanent status, as i said my facebook is under construction. When it is done i may consider to relaunch.
I'm saying it because that's the way it is, i need to re-arrange my buddylist, since there were too many unknown people on the list or (maybe) i was know or met them once but then i no longer in touch anymore. It is strange that you have to keep them in your buddylist when they're not actually your buddy at all. I'm quite sure they wouldn't mind if i 'kick' them from my list.
Well, these unknown people keep posting and makes my Fb full of comments. I'm okay with comments, but why would i have to read hundreds of comments that i don't even understand what were they talking about??? This is also happen to some photo tag. Some people tagging me on their picture, even if it was obvious that i was not in there. I'm fine with this one too, but if it happened to hundreds of 'who?' pictures.. I think, this is getting serious. So, on one day i tried to un-tag my name from some pictures, takes time.. and i saw no reaction from the publisher. So, i suggest thet the people who was tagging me on the picture just simply tagging with no purpose.. My reason was, i beg your pardon, i don't care for what some-unknown-people doing (and i'm pretty sure they don't care about mine either).
Of course there are some other factors makeing me decided to quit from facebook. But this is not a permanent status, as i said my facebook is under construction. When it is done i may consider to relaunch.
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